Today I start a journey I like to call The Initiative. I know this sounds silly and maybe it's the LOST freak in me, but I like it (and that's all that matters, right?). This Initiative is one that will hopefully change how I live my life. It will include a drastic makeover of eating habits and exercising my tail off.....literally HA!
I've been thinking about this awhile and I've been waiting around. On what you ask...I'm not sure. I had a list of excuses including but not limited to: I'm fine with the way I look, it's just everyone else who has a problem with it; My health is fine, in fact my cholesterol is perfect according to the Doc; I don't have enough time/money, etc and it goes on.....
I also kept telling myself that the only reason I would get skinny would be to get a man and because I had that attitude I shouldn't do anything about it. Ridiculous. Thinking on these things reveals the selfishness in my heart. And it makes me sick. It's time to change.
I realize I cannot do this. I cannot change myself with sheer willpower. As much as I wish it was, my life is not a Disney movie. Jiminy Cricket is wrong- just because I wish it and dream it doesn't mean it will happen. No, this can only happen by the grace of God. My good works and all my best intentions without Jesus are worthless: Isaiah 64:6 says, "All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away." Compared to the life of Christ, mine does not measure up. This is why the Gospel is such Good News. I don't have to live the perfect life because Jesus already did. He traded his perfect life and righteousness for ALL my sin and shame. It is only by this beautiful truth that change can happen in my life.
I also know that I can't sit by and expect God to change me from my post on the couch in front of my big screen. Oh no. I have to make an effort :) Part of my plan includes eating a ginormous salad everyday at lunch. I know what you're thinking...that's gonna get really old. But I have high hopes of my creativity kicking in and making that salad a fun part of my day. I got the initial idea from here: . This is a wonderful blog, but this particular post talks about the salad-for-lunch plan.
Exercising is also part of the initiative. I'm kind of doing this on my own and relying on my athletic self to shine through for me. You see, I LOVE the way I feel after I work out. I just have to get myself to start the workout. And it's starting. Monday and Tuesday afternoons. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday mornings. I have a date with the YMCA. If you see me elsewhere during these times feel free to call me out :) The jury is still out for the weekend and how I should handle that. Suggestions are welcome.
Finally, I wanted to give you all a glimpse into not my motivation but I guess my dream of what God could do with this. I see myself hiking and actually liking it in the future. I'd love to learn to surf and partake in other oceanic activities. I'd love to be able to sit indian style on an airplane and read an awesome book. I'd love to go dancing and not sweat through my clothes. These are just a few things I look forward to...I'll be adding to this periodically.
I hope you all have a blessed Tuesday and I hope and pray that you see the Gospel today in your lives.
How exciting! I'll be praying for you friend...keep me updated!!
Sounds like a good plan, chica. However, I'm sorry to say that if you dance, you're going to sweat, no matter how thin or athletic you become. Seriously--I've danced with enough people to know this for a fact of life, not weight. The key is to wear a workout/body (not cotton!) top underneath your outfit.
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