Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Glimpses of Doubt

Week 2 concluded yesterday evening. I started off Week 3 by weighing in this morning. I gained a pound. It would be very easy to start to slowly slip back into my old ways. Driving through fast food restaurants waaay too many times a week. Wasting lots of money on awful food. Going home after work and simply not doing anything worth while with my time. It would be simple to be lazy again. But. I belong to someone who has told me that my circumstances don't affect who I really am. Someone who says that what I do, does NOT determine my worth. My worth, is determined by Him. When Christ came to live with us on Earth, He lived a perfect life and died on the cross without EVER having committed a sin. Then when he rose again 3 days later, he defeated death completely. His death and resurrection allows those who believe in Him to live forever in eternity with him. And his life. Well his life lived on Earth gives us hope Right. Now. His perfect sinless life gives us hope. Why? Because when he died he traded his life for ours, taking on our sin and giving us His perfection. What does that look like? It means that when I'm sitting in the car debating on taking my iPod in the gym, God gives me the grace to take it in because He knows what's in that gym. He knows that there are things in there that I can't handle on my own, like ridiculously beautiful men working out or even teeny tiny women busting it on the elliptical making me feel minuscule. He knows that on my iPod is worship music that keeps my focus on Him instead of those around me or even on myself. God goes ahead of me and fights for me. Then when I get to wherever He's taken me, he gives me strength and grace to get through it. That's why I'm not giving up. Not because I'm tired of being big or lazy or whatever. But because, God. Fights. For. Me. and He fights for you too, if you let him.


Unknown said...

I love this! TRUTH! Thanks, Jenny!

go2allnations said...

Proud of you for preaching the gospel to yourself. Thanks for the encouragement.