Friday, June 1, 2007


I have more time to type today so I will update a little bit more. We've been in our home now for 2 weeks.. that seems like so long but it feels like we've been there for months! We usually get up around 10 and have ndekki(breakfast) with Aida...she speaks English. It's my favorite meal of the day. Then we go and sit ouside while someone cooks. We help cut veggies and pick through the rice. Sometimes we'll play with the kids always fun but sometimes they're violent. If any of you were wondering I have running water AND a toilet AND a shower. yes. Anyway, then we usually eat lunch with the ladies out of a common bowl with our hands! so fun! Then we either take a nap or go for a walk. We sit more and watch a lot of Wolof and French TV. We hang out with Tim and Kate alot too, which by the way I put a link to their blog on here and there's some pictures up there. When it gets dark they start fixing dinner. We don't eat lunch until about 3 so we don't eat dinner until about 9:30. We continue to watch Spanish soap operas unless the power goes out.
The Lord has really laid out who our ministry is for and it's for those ladies specifically Aida and May. Just pray that oppurtunities for us to serve them will pop up all over the place. We pray at every meal in fact they look at us now before we eat waiting for us to pray! They know we read our Bibles which is really strange for them because only the men read the Koran. Some of the women do their prayers. But most don't.
This weekend all the F4Fers have come in and we're taking a break. It could not have come at a more perfect time. I think we were all ready for a break. In a few hours we're going to a Senegal Futball Game!! Tonight we're cooking out. Tomorrow we go to Snake Island to swim and snorkel!! Then Sunday we're having house church and going somewhere cool to eat.
Praise the Lord for all He is doing here! I know that He is working on the hearts of these people!
Love,love, love


Mallory said...

Oh sounds like more exciting things. Just be a servant to those ladies. I'm sure that you all really stand out to them. That is really cool about the prayer thing. I love you Jenny!!

Anonymous said...

hope all is continuing well...praying for you


Anonymous said...

Jenny!! I miss you! I thought about you alot today and hope you had a great day! I love yoU!!!

Anonymous said...

hey jenny, been thinking about you and praying for you alot. It sounds like you're getting a great experience over there. The girls ask questions alot about why you are in africa for so long. lol. hope you are having a great time and it sounds like you are meeting great people. hang in there. we miss you and look forward to talking with you soon. hey, and don't forget that man. but you can leave the plate. lol. love you. rach