Monday, June 11, 2012

Sweet Summer Health

So sorry about the hiatus...once again. My bad. I feel like I'm beginning every post this way. Terrible. Anywho, I hope everyone is doing well, and if not, I hope you remember how good and faithful our God is :) It's been a good past few weeks. For those that don't know I've started to see a nutritionist. She's awesome. She seemed to catch on to the fact immediately that I don't deal well with people telling me what to do and has so far let me determine what I should do....or at least she made me think I'm deciding all of it...oh, she's good! HA! So that's going more late night milkshake that's an improvement. What's with the turn around you might ask? Well, the Word talks about the body quite a bit. It's not just something we have right now. It will in fact be with us forever, granted God will be redeeming it, but He has given us this 'vessel' to steward over. Why respect the body? Well for one God made it, and we should be respecting and honoring whatever God has made. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." Our bodies don't actually belong to us, they belong to the Lord. We have a responsibility to take care of them. Every time I eat healthy or exercise or make a good decision about what I put in my mouth, God sees this as beautiful worship. When put in this light, it's a little bit easier to do what I'm supposed to do and not just what I want. Along this same line, my friend Erin has written me a running training plan. Crazy right? I'll be running a 5K in September as long as I stick to it!! So excited. It's called The Color Run. Look it's epic. I'm on Week 4 with this plan and I can definitely tell a difference!
Next up...something slightly off topic. My favorite reality show is on this summer: So You Think You Can Dance. So great! Watching last week, I was trying to figure out why I love it so much. I think it is because it's such a beautiful expression of art and I certainly appreciate art. Dancing is something I've wanted to do for awhile...and not just ballroom or swing, but something that is truly expressive. So many emotions and feelings can be expressed through dance. One of my dreams/goals for my healthy self is to learn some basic techniques of dance: ballet, maybe some contemporary, who knows? Seeing that beauty in dance and seeing how God has gifted certain individuals, truly makes me greatful of how creative our God is. Helps me understand more of who He is. Ok, ok, that's enough of my creativity tirade ;) I thought I'd end this post with a sampling of what I've been eating lately, just some of my normal case you're wondering! :)
Love Always!

Monday: Chikfila Salad! (small group night)
Tuesday: Feta Burgers with Side Salad and corn
Wednesday: Baked Tilapia with Coleslaw and Quinua salad
Thursday: Whole Wheat Penne with Chicken, crushed tomatoes, and garlic sauce with salad
Friday: On the road (driving to see my Bro and SIL and Colton in Baltimore :))

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