Friday, October 12, 2012

Autumn Bliss

Hello friends! Once again, sorry for the hiatus :/

How bout an update on life? Yea ok. I'm about to move to a gorgeous, ginormous apartment in Briar Creek with my best friend!! I'm beyond excited about this and can't wait to entertain until we're super tired of should all come to visit :) My parents are coming to spend Thanksgiving with me so that will be wonderful! Speaking of food....

I've recently started a great diet/lifestyle program called Grace & Strength. It's pretty extreme and difficult, but it's working :) As of this morning I've lost 19 lbs! I can already tell that I'm starting to understand how I deal with food and what to do about it. I'm sure I'll be sharing more about this in the future!

Somewhat related...going to the State Fair this weekend!! I pretty much can't eat anything prayer for that would be great haha. I can still ride rides and look at crafts :)

Happy Friday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you! 19 lbs is fantastic considering it's only been what? 3 weeks? We are here for you if you need anything Saturday like reminder for strength, etc. You can do it! You will be so proud of yourself when you do too!
Laura Anderson (your G&S sister.) :)