It's been a month. I'm sorry!!! EEK. So bad at this.
Anyway, I hope everyone is enjoying their Autumn. I think I've mentioned before how much I LOVE this beautiful season. Simply beautiful and refreshing in the great state of North Carolina.
Today, I've been pondering my dreams and wishes. Recently, I was given some advice that if you just want a job you should just work at the Gap or Target (or a call center, heh), BUT if you want a career in something you're passionate about, you should pursue with NO reserves. Sigh. Friends, this makes me tear up. God made me with a passion for art and beauty, and helping others enjoy that. I can't explain to you how much I would love to be editing someone's photos this weekend. It's not from lack of desire that I haven't pursued this dream of mine. Perhaps it is lack of resolve or lack of confidence in my abilities. Either way, I'm tired of waiting around for someone to place a complete photography business in my lap, complete with clients and equipment. Not going to happen. Work must be done.
This is one of those things that the Lord will have to do completely. This is a dream that I have to give to Him. I do not want this for personal gain. I want this to glorify Him. This is my heart. I will keep you updated on how this starts shaping up ;)
Health Update: I've lost almost 40 lbs! woot! I feel really great and I haven't gotten sick this season (which is strange)!
ALSO- I'm moving in with my best friend in 5 days. SO. EXCITED. Also, we're getting a cat. His name is Banjo and he has green eyes. :D